The Enneagram is a unique tool that facilitates and nurtures personal growth. It is composed of nine different personality archetypes, each representing a particular way in which people think, feel and act in relation to different situations. It allows us to move beyond presenting behaviours, instead providing insight into subconscious motivations, defence mechanisms and fears.
The Enneagram provides opportunities for development in a range of areas:
Emotional and psychological growth
Balancing head and heart
Relationships, social dynamics and interpersonal conflicts
Self-limiting beliefs and blind spots
Leadership maturity, impact and effectiveness
Resilience and stress management
Communication and influencing skills
“I participated in an Enneagram weekend workshop facilitated by Phil. The process not only gave me a better understanding of myself, but it also helped me to better understand the people I interact with the various business and personal circle. Phil’s guidance and leadership of the Enneagram process really helped me and the team I work with to better understand how we can be more effective.”
​Brian Hallett, Corporate Partnership Manager, Salvos Stores,
The Salvation Army Australia Territory
360 Degree Review
A 360 degree review is designed to evaluate all aspects of a staff member’s behaviour, as opposed to a single focus on performance. It gathers feedback on employees from various sources, such as managers, co-workers, and the employee themselves. In some case, clients and external partners are also consulted. This facilitates insight into past performance, as well as growth in self-management, interpersonal interactions, and ultimately job performance.
​“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.”
Daniel Goleman, Author and Psychologist
Action Reflection Coaching
Action Reflection coaching is for leaders exploring new territories in the face of the challenges and demands of our contemporary missional context. Drawing on years of experience in church leadership and cultural change, Ecclesia Leadership can guide you through your missional challenges, offering strategic assistance for your journey forward. These coaching sessions are tailored to your individual needs, using personal/organisational missional tools and paradigms to engage you in a supportive cycle of goal-setting, reflection and action.
"Phil is a great mentor and coach who has the much needed ability to really listen to your organisation's history, context, needs and opportunities and then direct a team through making changes so that desired outcomes are reached. Phil really helped our organisation change and grow to reflect our values and manage our resources in a way that was in line with our vision. I would recommend Phil to any organisation seeking to grow, change and adapt and remain successful in a changing world."
Carolyn Meers, Lead Pastor at Central Church
Leadership Structure Workshop
Effective and clear leadership structures play an important role in the life of a healthy and mission-oriented church. Tailored to your needs and context, the Leadership Structure Workshop provides a process to construct a new and effective form of organisational leadership. Ecclesia Leadership will guide and support you to assess and plan across three phases:
Assessment: Identifying and assessing your current leadership structure and its strengths and weaknesses.
Framing: Exploring the biblical, denominational and historical factors relevant to building a successful governance structure.
Models: Formulating an appropriate possible future leadership model to allow you to fulfil your vision and mission.
Team Building
Team Effectiness Workshop
The closer and more committed a team of people are to each other, the more effective and rewarding their work will be. Sadly, workplace relationships can easily break down, damaging moral and employee unity. In his book, ‘The Five Dysfunctions of Teams’, Patrick Lencioni identifies five key features of a team that fails to function successfully. The absence of trust and commitment within a group, a fear of conflict that arises from speaking one’s mind, the avoidance of personal and collective accountability and an indifference towards the end product of one’s work. Lencioni’s assessment forms the basis of our Team Effectiveness workshop, where we bring your team together, identify their existing dysfunctions, and work with you to grow a more harmonious workplace for your organization.
​“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”
​Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
​“Phil provides excellent coaching on staff management, as well as organisational leadership, with an emphasis on relational and collaborative leadership. Through his work with IMA, Phil supported our HR, helping with conflict resolution and mediation. He engages with consistent warmth, integrity and follow through.”
​Archana Patel, CEO
IMA Management & Technology
Cultural Change
Exit Interviews
Conducting Exit interviews with employees leaving an organisation provides an opportunity to obtain feedback on their experiences. This provides invaluable insights into the employee’s experience of the workplace and facilitates beneficial reflection for management.
Ecclesia will provide skilled and independent facilitation to manage this process.
​"Leaving a role and people you love working with is a complex decision. Phil sensitively worked with me to explore my ideas for company improvement, exposing a balanced understanding of why I left and relevant targeted advice for my former organisation."
​Kerry Harkness, General Manager NSW
IMA Management & Technology
Ministry Review Process
A Ministry Review is a necessary process to ensure your ministry is effective and well-resourced as it cultivates a new future. With Ecclesia, an independent facilitator’s objectivity, experience, and focus allows your leadership to participate in this process, without the responsibility of leading it. The consultation is split across four stages, focusing attention on each issue to achieve a grounded understanding and reflection of all insights raised before any action is undertaken. All relevant congregation leaders, staff, volunteer support team members and a cross section of congregation members are engaged with to review and assess current ministry activity, identify the roadblocks hindering development, and form a strategy to build your ministry’s new future.
"We hired Ecclesia Consulting to help us re-discover our mission and a new way of gathering. Phil was fantastic in guiding our conversations, helping shape our vision and rebuilding our team. Momentum is building in our group again. We are developing and coaching future leaders, open to God's leading, hospitable, and bold in sharing our faith with others. I would certainly recommend that churches in a similar situation engage Phil and Ecclesia Consulting for a similar process"
Daniel Sih, Team leader at Third Place Communities
Congregational Process
Our past experience and training has not prepared us for the challenges that the church faces today. The Congregational Process helps leaders and churches respond to changing missional contexts through a process of discovery, reflection, planning and implementation. It incorporates addressing leadership questions relevant to the church and local community, coaching sessions for ministers, and workshops for leaders and members. Ecclesia Leadership can help you develop and implement a tailored program shaped for your needs.
"The church is in a state of significant upheaval as it tries to adapt and respond to an ever-changing landscape. Many churches lack the aptitude to minister effectively in such a context. Phil was instrumental in helping us unravel the perplexities of a post-Christian culture and improve our effectiveness in listening and responding to our community and in building a healthier culture. Through reimagining the church from the ground up, we were empowered to explore and engage with our community in a more profound and redemptive manner. Today our congregation has a better understanding of its missional imagination, found a freedom to experiment and adapt in ways that were not previously possible and provide a significant contribution to our combined missional journey."
Major Darren Elkington
Moreland City Salvation Army
Business Model
The Business Model canvas, in contrast to traditional and lengthy business plans, provides a focus on the drivers of your business. This one-page overview is designed to facilitate creative and dynamic discussions about company transformation and development. It is divided into nine segments:
Customer Segments: The Target customers for the business.
Value proposition: The value customers receive when engaging with your business.
Key activities: The activities needed to deliver the value proposition.
Key resources: Key resources (physical, human, financial) required to deliver the value proposition.
Key Partners: (suppliers, sponsors, distributers).
Channels: Channels through which the company will reach its customers.
Customer relationships: The type of relationship the business wants to establish with its customers.
Revenue streams: How does the business makes money from its customers.
Cost Structure: The delivery costs for the company in carrying out its business model.
Action Learning Groups
Action learning is a great way to foster an open and supportive workplace environment. It is a collaborative process that brings together a group of people (between 3-6) from different parts of your business, and over a set period, enabling them to grow through joint reflection. By discussing the challenges of the workplace and sharing new perspectives and ideas, this process helps to build communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills among employees. The Action Learning Group method enables management to tap into the different perspectives and insights that emerge from various business units.
​“There can be no learning without action, and no action without learning”
Rev. Revans, Father of Action Learning