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The same Mission for
a New Context

An invitation to participate in God’s mission through listening, learning, and acting.

The world has changed significantly but many congregations feel lost. We have experienced the grief of not knowing how to effectively engage everyday Australians with the gospel. Yet while Australians are asking different questions, are experiencing different challenges and are living differently to how they once were, the habits and practices of many churches still reflect the world that once was. When it comes to effectively engaging God’s mission in the world, the methods the church once used are largely irrelevant. Though there are no experts for this next navigational challenge, the tools are available to us.


God has always invited his people on a transformational journey. His mission for the church is to be a foretaste of God’s Kingdom. At Ecclesia Leadership, our missional experiment process does just this, inviting the church into an adventure of discovery.


Jesus sent his disciples into a world where they were like lambs among wolves. As church people, we are used to being the ones in control. Jesus now invites us on a vulnerable journey, one where we need the support of each other and of God.

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Group Discussion

Our contemporary missional context presents unique ministry challenges and demands. What do we as the church carry forward in this new age?

Community Garden

Cultivate the bond between church leaders and your congregation by creating a Shared Future you can join in together.

“Phil gets things done! If you want someone to help move your organisation forward, Phil McCredden is your man. He is a natural leader, systems thinker and wizard at using technology tools and resources to help and enable clients.  Phil brings a wealth of experience as a church leader himself and as a consultant to local church leaders, denominational leaders and corporate clients, working across denominations and States.”

Dean Phelan

Director of Uplift Centre and past Group CEO for Churches of Christ Queensland, CofC Care and CofC Housing

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